Monday, May 6, 2013

Peanut Butter Cup Nests


  These are the cutest little nests ever (in my opinion).  I made them awhile ago for a bake sale and Bug would only let me talk about half of them to the sale.  She really liked them.  The "nest" tastes just like the peanut butter in a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup.  You could make these for more than just Easter.  They would be very cute for a baby or bridal shower.  Or even a afternoon tea or brunch.  The greatest thing about it is, it is super easy to do.  Here is the recipe.  I wish I could tell you where I got it from but I just don't remember.  If someone recognizes it, please take credit for it.
Peanut Butter Cup Nests
1 cup butter (It needs to be butter.)
2/3 cup peanut butter
2 cup powder sugar
1 tsp sugar
Stir all ingredients together.  Do not beat.
Refrigerate to set.
How easy is that?  As easy as can be.  They are wonderful.
Love to all,   Sara 

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