I have come to a conclusion. We are never going to have spring. The groundhog lied and spring is just not going to come. The above photo is what we woke up to this morning. It is the view out my back window. The spot that was completely bare. Yes on April 9th, 2013 we had a snow storm in the middle of the night. According to the weatherman, we are not done with the snow either. We are in a WINTER STORM WATCH for at least another 7 hours. I don't think winter is ever going to end!
This is the view out my back door. Yesterday, I could actually see the ground. It wasn't green but I saw the ground. Can you tell I am a little upset by this snow? If not, I AM.
This is the snow in my driveway. My driveway that was completely clear. To make matters worse, my husband is out of town for 3 days, so it is up to me to shovel all of the snow off the driveway and back steps, etc. I have asked for 2 years for him to show me how to run the snow blower, but OH NO he couldn't do that! So I am out shoveling. Tonight I will be sleeping with a heating pad on my back, LOL.
Thanks for listening to me whine and rant.
Love to all, Sara
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